Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Breastfeeding and bunco

Last night I played Bunco with my friends. For those of you not acquainted with Bunco (Bunko?), let me just say that it is a mindless game with dice. There's no strategy involved, so that you can spend the evening chatting away. There is some gambling involved though. Our group of 12 pays $5 each to play. There are monetary rewards for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place, plus a $2 prize for the "boobie." This Bunco group started about 16 years ago in my neighborhood. There are a few of the "original" players. Many have moved on out of town, or state, and we've just added others over the years. We've watched each other's children grow up, attended some of those children's weddings and now some of us are becoming grandmothers. We're a fun group, I must say. We may not see each other on a daily basis, but we look forward to our monthly Bunco date to catch up on what's happening in each other's lives.

So last night, at Bunco, I found out that there are such women in this world as "lactation consultants." Somehow the conversation got around to breastfeeding. Not that any of us in the group were doing that. It would be nearly impossible for most of us! But one of us who is a brand new grandmother was discussing how her son and daughter-in-law had researched this subject...alot. Another gal in the group told us about these lactation experts and how new parents these days have one. For just a moment...a short moment...I felt deprived. I didn't have a lactation consultant 25 years ago. Poor Steve. My first. What did I know? I didn't time him. Just waited till he was full. My thought with my children? Just don't bite me. You may eat, but you can't bite. Those were my rules. And they thrived and I survived. I guess I did okay without a lactation consultant.

Wow, the things I learn at Bunco.


Blogger Brent said...

Our "lactation consultant" was a thousand bottles of Enfamil formula (with iron) and heating them up in a microwave. You think Steve was deprived...what about Kelsey and Shelby?!

5:02 AM  
Blogger Flower Mound Mom said...

Yeah, they really look deprived to me. What kind of parents are you???

5:16 AM  
Blogger Free and Living said...

he he.

7:42 AM  
Blogger Work in Progress said...

I just keep thinking of the home video of Steve sitting at the kitchen table (approx. age: 9) saying, "Mom, I'm fu-ulll...I'm fu-ull..."

7:56 PM  
Blogger Schweers' Mom said...

I about fell off my chair laughing when I saw the title of your blog! =-))

I think I called a lactation consultant when Reagan was born, but I didn't "have" one. I just had to figure it all out. Guess I did ok...

11:44 AM  

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