Friday, June 29, 2007


If you ask most people, they will tell you that they don't like change. Why is that? Any theories? I have a few of my own, but I won't elaborate yet.

My family is going through some major transitions right now. Why everyone at once? Steve and Mish are moving to Vancouver, B.C. I've been reminded by Marj P. (Mish's mom) that it's only for graduate school, and we should view it at that. Seeing it in that light, yes, it doesn't seem like a major change. I've had all three children go off to schools that required some traveling time to see them. For two years in a row, we didn't see Steve much because he went right from Texas Tech to working at a camp all summer. Yes, he's going off to school, albeit a plane ride away. (And I've already checked fares on both Southwest and American!) But what makes it a bit more difficult for Bob and I is that he and Mish have lived just down the street now for a year and a half. They've been able to pop in, with or without Harley, just to say hello or to see what snacks we had laying around the kitchen. (Usually not much!) They've been a great help to us in many ways. Okay, so I'm being a little selfish here. BUT...I know they need to make this move. And it will be good. I'm excited for them to start off somewhere fresh as a couple. This experience will grow their marriage. Twenty-nine years ago, Bob and I did the very same thing. Now the difference is, we never lived as a couple close to our parents. We graduated from college, got married two days later, went on a honeymoon, and then moved from New Jersey to Texas, where we have been ever since. It required a major adjustment for us, but with God's amazing help, we worked through it and have grown closer to Him and each other because of the experience. We didn't have family here to fall back on when things got tough, though they were just a phone call and plane ride away. Bob and I had to depend on each other...and after becoming Christians, on our Lord. So, I see this move for Steve and Mish as a good one. I will embrace it, because I love them both very much, and I want them to be seeking God's will. They both believe that this move is part of His divine plan. I said...they'll only be a plane ride away! To an area of the country I have never seen before. So, let me check my calendar. :)

Well, I'm not through yet. Then there's the other couple, Pam and John. Talk about transitions! They are leaving the city they have loved, Austin, for another, San Antonio. John will start something new, law school. Pam is in search of another job. It will be "tough" in the sense that she is leaving a job she absolutely loves, and will probably be comparison shopping as we say. They are both leaving a church, and many friends that have become part of their lives over the years they have been in Austin. And John will be leaving a home in Driftwood, while his only sibling, his sister Beth, moves with husband and daughter to Oklahoma. Does it seem like everyone is moving?? But as I said with Steve and Mish, this move will be good for John and Pam in strengthening their marriage. They are moving to a new city where they will seek out a church as a couple. They will build a home, atleast for the next three years, in San Antonio. I'm excited for them also. Okay, can I say also that I'm glad they are still in Texas? For now. Only God knows where they will all be years from now. They may not be like their parents who have stayed put in one place for so long. Of course, Bob and I thought we'd only be in Texas for five years! Yeah.

Okay, bear with me. One more transition. How can I leave out Becca? She's at Pine Cove right now. One more week of camp. Haven't been able to talk at length with her about her experiences there, but hoping and praying for transformation. Praying that God is surrounding her with people who will confirm in her His truth. She is planning on studying abroad in Florence, Italy this fall. Still haven't got the passport yet, though we applied in February, but it should be coming soon. Hopefully in time for her student visa. Another transition. One we are hoping will produce growth and maturity in spirit. I suppose we should hope that for all of our life experiences.

So how do you handle the transitions in your life? Anyone have any verses that they'd like to share that help them through these changes?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love reading your blogs...I am sorry to hear you hurt yourself...if you need me to help in anyway just call on me....I am glad you and Bob are back in the USA, Danny and Rebecca are in Paris until July 1st.
All of your children will be making huge came up with a few scriptures they might help but won't hurt to read :)
Philippians 4:13
Philippians 4:19
Isaiah 26:3
Matthew 6:33-34
Have a great weekend and hope to see you soon.

10:57 AM  
Blogger cookiehawk77 said...

Don't forget Phil 4:6-8. (Philippians is my favorite book.)

About that passport. Mark was waiting on his before going to Haiti in January. He should have expedited it and didn't. He called and called, and they said either it was partially done and should be completely finished any day.

In desperation, the day before our trip we drove to Houston. After searching around, they found it on another floor from where it was supposed to be. I had been held up because someone had made an error on his birth date (month 12 instead of month 2). He was able to get it that day but had to pay an extra expedite fee. Plus the drive to Houston and back the day before we were leaving!

Make sure the person contacted at the passport office lays his/her hands on the application, and verify all the information is correct. Mark's probably would have sat forever if we hadn't driven down there!

Oh, and I hope she has a wonderful time!

12:35 PM  
Blogger Flower Mound Mom said...

Babette and Carol,
Thanks for the verses! Philippians has always been one of my favorites too. In fact, 4:13 has been my "signature" verse, and coincidentally, my birthdate. And thanks for the info on the passport. You just reminded me that I need to follow up. You know how government agencies are.

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It does seem as though a lot of the same thing is happening at once. The "For Sale" sign in front of my brother and sister's house just went up today in anticipation of their Oklahoma move. It's unfortunate that even though it seems that most of our siblings are doing the very same thing, that we aren't all going to the same place.

In truth, Pam and I aren't getting much sleep these days. She gets to sleep long after I do and I get up long before my alarm clock would consider waking me up. We are definitely feeling the move approach. Pam and I are glad though to be doing this together. I'm sure that Steve and Michelle and Chris and Beth are having their own sleeplessness. None of us could be in better company.

6:07 PM  
Blogger Work in Progress said...

John and I will drive to Houston for you, if need be. We like road trips!

7:37 PM  
Blogger Brent said...

Kelsey applied for a passport in February and got it AFTER she got back from Mexico, so it took nearly 15 weeks. Naturally, all the flights she wanted to use the free tickets anywhere in the world she won at the hockey game in January had all the summer travel slots booked. They said it'd take four weeks and kept backing the time-frame back, but maybe Becca's is close to arriving. Can Kelsey go with her to Florence for the semester?

7:29 AM  
Blogger Flower Mound Mom said...

She can go visit her! Can she use her free tickets to Europe? We are finding that is takes a couple 2 or 3 flights to get to Florence. And not on the same airline. We can fly American over, but then have to take Air France or Alitalia for the last leg into Florence.

9:16 AM  

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