Sunday, February 18, 2007

Our Weekend

So I guess it's about time for a new blog entry...

Saturday started out with a freebie, and a fishy story happened along the way. What? Explain you say? Okay, well, Bob and I went to Einsteins for our usual Saturday morning bagel and coffee. We're hooked right now on the Dutch apple bagel. It's really sweet and tasty and not like your usual bagel. It's one of the "top-shelf" bagels and worth the extra cents. Well, when we got there, they were out of the Dutch apple. It would be about 12 minutes or so for the next batch. We were offered some other sweets while we waited. No, we said, we'd just wait for the bagels. We got our coffee and sat down. We didn't think 12 minutes was all that long a time to wait, but apparently the Einsteins manager thought we shouldn't have to wait that long. So he gave us our coffee and bagels for free. Yeah, that was nice of him. He didn't have to do that, but he knows we come in there almost every Saturday. Bob and I were hoping that an Einsteins would open up closer to home in all the new stores on 407 and 2499. But then we'd have to start all over again becoming "regulars."

After Einsteins, we ran a few errands before catching up with Steve and Mish at their indoor soccer game. It was their toughest game. They were playing the first place team that was really, really good. Steve and Mish's team is in second and only lost to this team. It was a fast game and fun to watch, though our team did get beat. But we enjoyed seeing them along with Mike and Marj P. who were there to cheer them on also.

After the game, Bob and I had another errand to Home Depot and Lowe's, our homes away from home it seems. We ran into Home Depot, got a few items and while standing at the check out, I noticed a bag of Swedish fish. I couldn't resist and rang the bag up along with our other items. It was then that I remembered I was supposed to look for a plant hanger that swivels. So I told Bob I'd go out to the plant section, look for one and meet him over there. My opened swedish fish bag in hand, I walked over to home and garden, eating swedish fish along the way, and found my hanger. I met Bob at the check out (I never bring in my wallet when I shop with him. It drives him crazy. Oh well.) It turns out the plant hanger was so old it didn't have a bar code to scan. The young man at the register says, "Let me have your fish." I said, "What?" He said, "No, let me see the fish. I'll give them right back." He knew I wasn't going to give up the fish!! He took the bag, scanned it twice, and said, "Okay, you just paid for another two bags of fish." So instead of the higher price for the hanger, it turned out to be $1.78. We thought that was very nice of him. So that was our fish tale for the day. Bob thought we should next go out and look for furniture and see if we could pay with the swedish fish.

After all our errands, which made us seem like we were sitting in the car all day, we decided to go on a walk and get some great air and sunshine. The weather's been so cold we hadn't ventured out much lately. So even though the wind was blowing strong, Steve and Mish and Harley (in his collegiate sweater), joined us and we took our 3 mile stroll through Lewisville. We enjoy our time with them, catching up and hearing about their week. We know this time is fleeting. God-willing, they will be up in Vancouver later this year and strolling through some better scenery. So Bob and I will cherish this time that we have with them now.

It was a good weekend. Didn't get done all that we set out to do, but got to do some things we hadn't planned on. Bob got to help a neighbor in need with a water leak in his sprinkler system. (something we have alot of experience with!) Weekends go by so fast. Months go by so fast. Years go by so fast. The other day I asked Bob, "How did we get to 50 so fast?" Today I thought it's hard to believe that Steve and Mish and Pam and John have been married over a year already. Wow. So we are trying to cherish times together, and laugh at the funny happenings like swedish fish paying for things.


Blogger Work in Progress said...

Would you mind sending the swedish fish to austin to do my research for me? :)

Mom, I like hearing your stories. I like seeing your life from miles away. I like that you and Dad have weekly (or more) dates with one another.

I like you.

8:14 PM  
Blogger Flower Mound Mom said...

Thanks Pammie. I like you too. And I miss you! Can you come up to FM for a weekend??

5:21 AM  
Blogger Brent said...

I hope Swedish fish don't become the method of exchange here...and you don't bring your wallet now? Think of how crazy you'd make Bob if he had to carry around a bags of Swedish fish...

6:54 AM  
Blogger Flower Mound Mom said...

Oh, we wouldn't have alot to exchange. We'd be major consumers!

2:49 PM  

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