So it's been an interesting week...
Nothing really out of the usual. If you call having a bobcat hang around your classroom a usual occurrence. Yes, this week we had one. I had one. Right outside my portable. In the middle of Lewisville. It was Thursday. The weather's been cold and ugly. The cat probably just wanted in the school for warmth. He (or she) was spotted right outside the doors leading into the school from my portable. I didn't see it personally, but it was spotted by our school nurse and another teacher. Animal control was called, but they didn't catch it. It was last spotted loping through the parking lot. Oh well. So the rest of the day, and Friday, teachers were required to escort students in and out of the building to the portables. That was a pain, especially since the weather was so cold and wet. Trying to keep my ADHD students out of the snow was another challenge. Somehow fifth graders cannot stay on the sidewalks when there's snow on the ground. So just going in and out of the building this week took more effort. I'm really not sure what I would have done had I come upon the bobcat. Of course, I have a few male students whose testosterone level went up a bit, and they were ready to run home and get a gun. I had to explain to them the consequences of bringing fire arms to school. We saw some rather large pawprints in the mud and snow around the portable. Earlier in the week, I had some telltale muddy pawprints going up the ramp to my portable door. So who knows how long the cat's been around. I just want it to be gone by Monday so we can get back to normal...whatever that is.
make the bobcat stop! mama sue, just scissor kick it in the back of the head when you see it.
I wonder what would happen if you told that bobcat, "I'm gonna come at you like a spider monkey!!" Do you think bobcats are scared of spider monkeys?
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