Thursday, July 17, 2008

Simple pleasures

It's funny how your perspective on things can change when you travel abroad...things I appreciate about my home in FloMo...

> a shower with great water pressure with a shower head that doesn't have to be held in my hand as I wash
> a shower with a door
> a shower that doesn't have me hurdling to get into it
>face cloths
>soft toilet paper (Okay, I'm obsessed with the bathroom issues.)
>good restaurant service
>fast restaurant service (There are times when I just don't have 3 hours to eat lunch.)
>strangers who smile at you as you pass by them, just to be friendly
>men who have the courtesy to let a woman out of the elevator first
>no smoking laws in restaurants, even when eating outside
>a Chick-Fil-A sweet ice tea
>road signs in English! They really help, believe me.
>a church community that is alive and thriving
Just simple things really.


Blogger Schweers' Mom said...

Welcome home! And I agree with the soft TP thing. European TP - ouch. The TP as well as all of their paper products in Israel were just awful. It wasn't that they were rough, just very, very thin. It took massive quantities of paper towels to dry my hands as the minute they got wet, they virtually disappeared!

By the way, how is Becca?

8:18 AM  
Blogger Flower Mound Mom said...

Becca is doing better each day. She gets fitted for her brace next week. Right now she's wearing a temporary one that she accessorized with stickers! Hopefully she'll be up to sitting in a car for a bit so she can get out and about. Please be praying for her as she has an interview today with Pine Cove for a full-time position.
Thanks for asking!! Hope your summer is going well. Hawaii looked like a blast!

9:15 AM  
Blogger Brent said...

You failed to mention ice in the soft drinks & free refills.

10:16 PM  

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