Sunday, December 07, 2008

Instead of being one long journey, life seems to be made up of a series of journeys. You travel down one road, reach a fork, need to make a decision on which way to go and continue on your way. Sometimes the decision is an easy one. The choice is clear, because maybe the other way is obviously blocked and impassable. Sometimes the decision is not yours to's already been made for you. Then there are times when the decision is difficult, because the choice is not clear. While standing at the crossroads, the paths that are in front of you may appear to be the same, but we really don't know where they are leading us. Here's where we step out in faith. It's easy to say we have faith when the road is clear and the journey seems to be going smoothly. But it's a whole different ballgame when the road's a little foggy and the bumps in the road are rough and jolting.

We are now traveling down a familiar road. One we journeyed about 16 years ago. We learned a lot on that road back then. It was rough and difficult at times, but we had the best traveling companion, Jesus Christ. He never left us. He stayed with us through all those visits to Children's Medical Center. He was and is The Great Physician.

We are again asking for His services. A week ago, Bob was diagnosed with prostate cancer. The good news in this is that we caught it early, and there are treatment options that could yield good results. Choosing the right treatment is the difficult decision. So we will be researching our options to help us in that decision.

We are praying that God would direct us to the right doctor. We feel blessed that we live in an area with excellent health care. Our options are great, but we need His help in making this choice. We have already seen God's hand in this situation. It's amazing.

We know the power of prayer, and we are asking our friends and family to lift Bob up in prayer. Christ knows our needs, but prayer is a form of worship, and we are here to glorify Him.

So our prayer is that while we are on this journey, though rough it may be at times, may we always remember that Christ is our traveling companion, actually going before us and guiding us along the path. May He be glorified in whatever situation we may find ourselves.

He will never leave us nor forsake us. Blessed be His name.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you know this: God hath not promised skies always blue, Flower-strewn pathways all our lives through. God hath not promised sun without rain, Joy without sorrow, peace without pain. God hath not promised we shall not know toil and temptation, trouble and woe. He hath not told us we shall not bear many a burden, many a care. God hath not promised smooth road and wide, swift easy travel needing no guide, never a mountain rocky and steep, never a river troubled and deep. But God hath promised strength for the day, rest for the labor, light for the way. Grace for the trials, help from above, unfailing sympathy, undying love.

5:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've had more than your share, but you know we will be praying for both you and Bob for God to give you strength and comfort to ease your burden during this very trying time.

5:19 AM  
Blogger Flower Mound Mom said...

Thanks Mom! Love you so much!

5:46 AM  
Blogger Free and Living said...

mom i am praying continually that you both make the best decision for dad and his health. it's really encouraging to read your blog and see your faith shine through so beautifully. thanks for wisdom.

we love you so much and miss you like crazy. and we pray for your peace, comfort, and strength too!

grandma b, did you write that poem?

9:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mish, no I didn't. Don't know where I got it...had it on my fridge for years...and it never fails to bring tears to my eyes.

7:30 AM  
Blogger Robyn Rochelle E. said... precious this blogspot is. Dear friend thank for your precious trust exhibited in an incredible and beautiful way. Yes, you have walked a road like this before - and God is God and worthy to be trusted. I just imagine Him being so pleased with how you are glorifying Him in this moment of trial. I will pray with you. May we each say every day, we will trust You. We will choose You, because You are trustworthy and chose us first. praying...

8:08 AM  

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