Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bring it On!

I absolutely love this time of the year. The weather is gorgeous. Nice and cool. Crisp, clean air. As opposed to the heavy, humid, ozone-filled summer air. People are out and about, walking, running, riding their bikes. Love it. And today I saw an air balloon. Sure sign of better weather. I was out in the yard (imagine that) and I heard this strange noise. It was strange, but strangely familiar. Then I heard the neighborhood dogs barking. Looking up, I saw it. Right over the house. And then all of a sudden I got nostalgic. Our first dog, Mindy, always barked at air balloons. I smiled as I remembered how Bob and I would hear her bark and know for certain that air balloons were in the sky. She had this characteristic bark just for air balloons. Wow. It's been a while. Anyway, this weather is great and I hope you are getting to enjoy it.


Blogger Work in Progress said...

Is it weird that I remember that bark? I feel like I would have been too young, but I also remember her barking to alert us of the balloons. Oh, having a neighborhood full of empty lots was so awesome back then.

7:48 PM  

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