Wednesday, April 12, 2006

half a century later...

I guess I should blog about turning 50. I know it's the "big one." But I guess some days it doesn't seem that long ago that...
... I was having birthday parties in the basement of my childhood home in Old Tappan, New Jersey (It was a finished "play room" down there. A great party room!)
... my dad made these big banners saying "Happy Birthday Susan" (He is an artist.)
... I think my mom rented a "trick dog" to entertain us at one of the parties (atleast I think it was my birthday, though it could have been one of my brothers')
...I invited boys to my parties (legally, that is my mom allowed boys at my parties) until middle school age and up. After that time, boys might have shown up at parties illegally (that is they somehow got past my dad who usually stood watch at the basement door.)
...I had my first real crush on a boy in fifth grade. (Brian McAlpine)
...I first started going "steady" with boys in sixth grade (whatever that meant).
...I wore go-go boots and fish-net stockings. It was the 60's.
...I went to "boy-girl" dances in 7th and 8th grade. (You know, the kind where guys line the one wall across the gym floor, girls on the other side. The middle of the gym floor was "no man's land"- guys couldn't dance back then.)
... I went to high school as a freshman wearing preppie clothes and came out senior year wearing "hippie" clothes. It was the 70's.
... I went to the college of my last choice (Rutgers, it was the cheapest) and the first month into my freshman year, met the man that would become my best friend and partner in life.
... I was sitting on the sofa in my friend's apartment in Dallas, in 1979, and realized my need for Jesus in my life.
... Bob and I were sitting in the living room of our home in Richardson, holding our just days old, newborn son, and thinking "how are we going to do this parenting thing????" (A quick phone call to Grandma and she was on the next flight!) Somehow we managed, and had two more beautiful children.
Life's been very good. I have been blessed with family and friends, wonderful experiences and challenging ones that have made me grow (even through the pain). At 50, I'm still a "work in progress." I look forward to the next adventures that God has in store for me.


Blogger Brent said...

50 sounds great...and I heard 50 is the new 30 anyway.

So, happy birthday and all that, and if anyone connected by DNA or marriage to the Davis clan and can get access to old photographs, well, one of those senior year in high school hippie photos can be posted on any of your blogs with relative ease.

5:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure any of those photos should be posted! You might not recognize me anyway. They are pretty funny though.
So if 50 is the new 30, what's the new 50??

6:11 AM  
Blogger Schweers' Mom said...

Sue, that's beautiful and very sweet. I enjoyed reading your thoughts!

3:24 PM  
Blogger Schweers' Mom said...


3:24 PM  
Blogger Amy of the Hill said...


Seriously, 50 gets younger and younger every year. People like you make it look great!

Hey, I went to high school wearing preppie clothes and came out wearing hippie/grunge clothes... but wasn't the 70's...

6:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You may be "50", but you don't look a day over "40", besides you'll always be our "little" girl. We love you very much!!!
P.S. I hope the second flowers are better than the first.

1:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay Mom. A few weeks ago you said I didn't look a day over 30. What happened? And thanks for the roses. I'll let you know how the second batch looks.

3:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops!!! You're right, my memory is fading fast, but you don't look a day over "30ish"

2:08 PM  

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