Thursday, December 18, 2008

Mom, Dad, Mickey & Minnie

We're spending Christmas in Florida this year, and I can't wait. Even though I was brought up a Yankee, I've learned that my body does so much better in warmer weather. Not hot weather, but nice, cool 60-70 degree weather. Love it. According to, that's what we should be expecting down there.

But besides the warmer weather, I look forward to spending time with my family. It's been a rough year for my folks. Dad had quadruple bypass surgery in February, from which he's recovered well. Mom had a knee replacement and is still bothered by the after effects. They finished off the attic space above the garage to accommodate more of the grandchildren. The space will get used as two of my brothers and their families will be there as well as Bob and I, along with Pam, John and Becca. There will be 15 of us, sleeping in every nook and cranny, but we love it. We've done this for many years. I remember a year when my youngest brother, single at the time, had to sleep on a cot in the small entry way by the front door! It works when the family gets along! And we do, as long as we're not playing Trivial Pursuit or Pictionary. Then it gets a little intense. We mainly stick to Rummikub or Dominoes. Not as competitive.

This year Bob and I decided to take the family to Disney World before heading down to my parents' house. We made this decision back in the summer, and now are very happy we have a fun distraction before the new year. Bob's prostate surgery is scheduled for January 12th. He'll be down at UTSouthwestern Medical Center for a few days. We feel very good about the procedure. We are blessed to be in a city with great medical care. But we also know that our Great Physician will be with us. We have a lot of people praying for Bob.

So we are off for the holiday. Going to see Mickey and Minnie first. Can't wait to see all the lights. Disney is magical. You can feel like a kid no matter what your age. We've got our itinerary thanks to John who has been thinking about this trip between law finals. I told him I just need to see Buzz Lightyear, Pirates and the Haunted Mansion. And of course, the Castle all lit up.

Wishing everyone a most blessed Christmas! May you feel the hope and peace that comes from knowing our Lord, Jesus Christ.


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