Wii and Mii
So where are Grandma and Grandpa? Oh that's right. They're out on the porch playing Wii bowling and golf. And what's this I hear? Becca knocked out her father in boxing???
We never had Atari, Nintendo or XBox at our house. We didn't even get cable until the kids moved out of the house. But I have to say...this Wii thing is a lot of fun. My brother Rob gave his kids WiiSports as a Christmas gift. He had the smarts to have them open it at Grandma and Grandpa's house in Florida with the family all around. Yes! It's been on every day since Christmas morning. My parents have the perfect spot for it, out on their screened-in Florida porch. We don't need a big screen TV to enjoy this game. We've played bowling, golf, tennis,baseball and boxing. Boxing is too intense for me first thing in the morning. Bob and Becca worked up a sweat and I banished them to the showers. As soon as they relinquished their controllers, Grandma and Grandpa took over. If you're not playing, you're in the audience. The difference I see from past video/DVD games, is there can be more family participation and involvement. My brothers are thinking of starting up a Tuesday night bowling league, originating from Atlanta, Savannah, and Dallas. Of course, that would mean we'd all have to get a Wii. After the fun we've all had this holiday, a Wii may be in our near future.
One negative...we are all sore from playing these multiple sports. Becca's thinking she may be getting tennis elbow! Bob's out running now to get in shape to box some more. Fanatical? Well, maybe just a little. But I'm sure that once we get home and are faced with work and house stuff, we'll forget about playing the game. You think?
Actually, the Wii is HUGE at retirement homes. They have bowling leagues and such. Our church purchased some Wii's & donated them to the homes we serve.
The reason is precisely what you said: it's interactive video gaming. The entire family, regardless of age & gender, can hang out and actually enjoy the games. In the past, it was more male-dominated game fare, and games designed to interest the young. Now, they're realizing that when you make games that appeal to all ages, all ages will enjoy them together.
They're the board games of the new millennium.
But board games didn't make you sore! I guess "a family that plays together, gets sore together???"
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