Monday, April 24, 2006

Random thoughts for a Monday

I'm feeling a little scattered this morning. Some random thoughts going through my mind like...
...I really needed to get up this morning and go exercise before work, but the body wouldn't get out of the bed in time. Too much gardening this weekend.
...Don't eat chocolate before bedtime. It makes you have really strange dreams.
...Why is the town of Flower Mound going to build another big shopping center on 2499 where the road is only two lanes and traffic already backs up a half-mile down the road every single day.
...Is it okay to be proud of your children? Because I am so stinkin' proud of mine right now. And that includes the newest additions to the Davis family.
...Ministering to high schoolers makes me step out of my comfort zone, and that's a good thing.
...Ministering to fifth graders is rewarding but physically tiring. Did I mean trying?
...I can't wait for summer. I need some down time. Just want to read a good book.
...I'm glad my brother Steve is blogging. It helps me keep up with him and his life.
...I need to keep up with my friends more.
Happy Monday!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, it's fine to be proud of your children. Dad & I are very, very proud of ours!!!

8:39 AM  
Blogger Schweers' Mom said...

You are right about the traffic thing. I still don't get why they are building more and more on 407 without expanding the road to 4 lanes. I like the fact that I will have so much so close, but dread the fact that it will really be a pain to navigate - that is, a pain even worse than what it is now. ugh.

8:48 AM  
Blogger Amy of the Hill said...

God is proud of His children... so it must be OK to be proud of yours. (Plus yours ARE pretty great.)

8:38 AM  

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