Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Love and Respect

So Bob and I are taking this Love and Respect video series that a bunch of people at Crossroads are attending with their minichurch groups. We weren't currently in a minichurch, but we joined a group that split off from another. It's basically our Sunday lunch bunch people, plus some other couples. Usually about 16 of us. We've attended two sessions so far, titled "The Crazy Cycle" and "The Energizing Cycle." The Rev. Emerson Eggerichs is the teacher and he's quite animated at times. I had never heard of him before this series. It really has been worth the time. I only wish I had seen this years ago. Most of the couples in our group have been married 20 or more years. We even have a couple that just got remarried...to each other, after many years. So most of us have children that are either married or at the age where they could very well be married. We all think that this series should be a prerequisite to marriage! Eggerichs talks about how men and women are different...not wrong...just different. He uses words like "seeing the world through pink or blue sunglasses." Guess who's pink? He talks about how women's deepest need is love, while men's is respect. Now you would think that after all these years of marriage that we would know this. But you know...it really is worth hearing again...and again. I don't think we can ever take any of this for granted. Anyway...it's been enlightening and sometimes entertaining. And it has kept us thinking about how we respond to one another. Or how we should respond. As Pete Briscoe said this past Sunday in his awesome message to our church...we must refresh our marriages. So we're working on that part.


Blogger Work in Progress said...

So, can a newlywed borrow acquire this material somewhere?

8:28 PM  
Blogger Work in Progress said...

Ignore my grammatical craziness. I'm taking a break from studying, and it's obviously much-needed.

8:28 PM  
Blogger Robyn Rochelle E. said...

It is such a small world...
Emerson was with us for an entire week in Hungary. He came to share his seminar at my mission organization's annual conference. Even tho' I am not married, I was able to use the information I learned because of a misunderstanding with one of our teammates. So, the information is good on more than one level. It was actually the first time I implemented the strategies of a conference BEFORE the conference was completed. I met with Emerson several times - he and his wife desire deeply to serve God by strengthening marriages of good-willed men and women. Glad you are enjoying it - by the way Pammie Sue - I have a CD for women - one of the 'squished down' sessions if you want me to try to get it to you. Let me know ;-)

1:04 PM  
Blogger Flower Mound Mom said...

Lucky!! Yes, I agree. Alot of what he says can apply outside of marriages. "You can motivate a person by meeting their deepest needs." I look forward to the rest of the series.

6:18 PM  

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