Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Playing "ketchup"

Sometimes we have "ketchup and mustard" days at school. Those are the days when we try to get caught up on our work. Finish the incomplete assignments and such. Get it? "Ketchup," catch up? Oh well, fifth graders think it's funny. Anyway, I seem to never get them at home. I mean, I feel like I'm never caught up. There's just not enough hours in the day to get everything done that I want to get done. Maybe, there in lies the problem. There's too much I want to get done. I've always been a list person. Write the list, check things off. There's a sense of accomplishment, even in the checking things off the list. But there's always more to add to the list. It's never-ending. I know, I know. Everyone's in the same boat. Such is life. We're all too busy. But lately I've felt a sense of urgency to get the less important things done so I can concentrate on the more important. Like spending time with family. Bob and I had wanted to visit with his folks this fall. We were hoping to get some netsaver fares. Well, so far none have appeared on the horizon (or internet). We've been trying to plan a family vacation, but everyone's schedules won't cooperate. I really miss those family vacation times. Does that really have to happen when your children get older? I've been on the internet attempting to find a place for a family reunion for next summer. Sitting at the computer searching for things eats up alot of time! I'm so hoping this works out. We don't see our families enough and we need to create some more memories. But planning takes time, and time seems to go by really, really fast these days.

So one of these days I'll be caught up. One of these days. In the meantime, I think I'll leave the list at home and go enjoy some time with friends.


Blogger Work in Progress said...

I can get you some ketchup from work, if you like. I'm sorry I can't help you catch-up!

Thanks for working on vacation ideas. I'm VERY ready to hang out with my family.

10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mama Sue, I love you
for being who you are...
Lovely and beautiful
Gracious and nice
You're sweeter than sugar
and fiestier (m.s.?) than spice!

11:28 AM  
Blogger Schweers' Mom said...

I think the ketchup joke is funny. Does that make me as bright as a 5th grader? or merely young at heart??

Hey - I'm waiting on the review of the play! Tell, tell!

1:58 PM  
Blogger Flower Mound Mom said...

Oh, the play was great!! Very funny. The lead actually won a Tony. He was crazy. The other lead was very much like Michael Caine. We enjoyed it! There were ALOT of empty seats. Maybe because people didn't want to venture down to Fair Park on OU-UT weekend?

6:57 PM  

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