Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A Lost Weekend

I went home Friday afternoon with a reconstructed knee, and alot of anesthesia pumped into it. So aside from being tired and not being able to move around much, things looked okay. Bob got me set up on the continuous motion machine (Michelle said I looked half machine, half human!) and he waited on my every need. That was Friday. Well, by about halfway through the night and into Saturday early morning, the anesthesia was finally wearing off. That's when the lost weekend began. That period of time when you don't really know what day it is, what time it is, or whether you're wearing appropriate clothes in front of people. But then none of that really mattered because all you can think about is how awful you feel now that you've done this to your body. I don't do well with anesthesia, or most strong drugs for that matter. They just mess me up. And I was having to take three kinds: a pain pill, an anti-nausea pill and an antibiotic. It wasn't until Sunday, after I talked with my mom, that I was convinced to take the full dose of pain killers. Mothers really do know best. I was only taking 1 pill when I should have been taking two. Believe me, it did make a difference. Of course, I pretty much slept the time away, but hey, it lessened the pain. So anyone who might have stopped by this weekend would have seen the half-human half-machine person sleeping on the sofa with her mouth hanging open. Lovely sight.
I went back to the doctor on Monday, and though I was hesitant to look at his handiwork when he unveiled it, I peeked and it didn't look too bad. I started physical therapy yesterday and that will be a lengthy process. The anesthesiologist asked me right before my surgery if I wanted to see what an acl surgery looked liked. I must have looked at him with this really dumb look, thinking why are you asking me this now. Then he pulled up his pants leg and showed me his scar while he was swinging his knee back and forth. Yeah, then he put me to sleep.
So after that lost weekend, things are on the upswing. I'm recovering at home with Bob and Becca tending to me. We've watched alot of TLC's What Not to Wear, seasons 1-3 of Will & Grace (can't find any seasons after that), played sudoku at all hours (Mish & Steve, that was the best gift!) and just sat around or slept. It's been strange, especially knowing I'm supposed to be at teacher in-service this week. Oh well. I'm thankful to my wonderful friends who have made us dinners. That's one less thing Bob has to think about. He's been trying to work from the house this week. Lots of distractions to say the least. It's going to be tough next week as we see Becca off to Italy on Monday, and then Steve and Mish off to Portland on Tuesday. We will miss them so much. I've had my share of physical pain this week, but I know it won't overshadow the emotional pain I know I'll feel. I love my family, and though we give our children wings to fly, we always want them to come back to the nest. Sometime.


Blogger Brent said...

Is it bad that my kids are 10 years younger than yours and they already talk about how soon they can move "out of sad FloMo and to someplace really cool?"

6:02 AM  
Blogger Flower Mound Mom said...

I have really mixed feelings about that. I truly believe that FM has been a great place to raise kids. I don't want to feel bad that it's not a "cool" place to live. My kids want Bob and I to move someplace cool. Well, there's more to it than that. But see, they're not in the same stage of life, so we're going to view this differently.

2:56 PM  
Blogger Work in Progress said...

Mama, you don't need to move. What's "cool" about FloMo is that it's been a wonderful home and incredible people who have grown up with our family still live there.

And Brent, Steve-o talked about moving out of FloMo for about 8 years. Yes, he's going now, but I think he got to spend some fabulous time with his parents first...

9:48 PM  
Blogger Flower Mound Mom said...

Pammie Sue, I just love you!!

9:20 AM  

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