The Not So Empty Nest
This one's for you, Babette!
Well, what started out as a "castle" all to ourselves is now becoming a popular hangout for tenants of another kind. The other night Molly started barking outside on our patio. She's 12 years old now and her eyesight is failing, but I think she still has that hunting instinct in her. Well, sure enough, there was a critter on the patio in a very small space between a storage bin and our house. It turned out to be a very small baby possum. Now if you know anything about possums, you know they are nasty animals. They have sharp claws and mean dispositions when cornered. Well, this one already learned from momma that you snarl and show teeth when someone is shining a flashlight in your face. So we did the right thing (or should I say, Bob did after much prompting from me) and left the little baby alone. He was gone by morning. I just wonder where his momma was... has to be around somewhere. Okay, then yesterday, Bob and I are coming back from one of our trips to Home Depot (we really need to own stock in that company!), and we are driving into our cul-de-sac and see this long snake in the road. Bob asks "Is it alive?" I reply, "Yes, it's sticking it's head up. Drive over it!!" So he turns the car around and attempts to drive over the snake. (I've got my ears covered, like that's going to help.) Bob misses the snake. (You may harass him later.) The snake was quick and slithers up into our neighbor's flower bed. Now we have to kill the snake, I say. Our neighbors are young; she's cute. They're on their honeymoon! She would not like to find a snake when she gets back. See it's the Good Samaritan thing. So Bob goes and gets the shovel and starts poking around in the flower bed full of monkey grass. I stand about 20 feet away. But we can hear the snake making a noise. (Did you know they make noises when cornered?) Can't see it, but we can hear it. All of a sudden it slithers out. Stupid snake. Bob is pretty good with a shovel. After his kill, Bob tells me to go get the camera. I'm thinking, now I've got something to put on my blog. Bob the snake killer. My hero!

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Yippee!!! I'm so sad that I missed the ordeal! The picture is fantastic. You know dad got an adrenaline rush from that. I just like your reaction, Mom..."yes, it's alive; drive over it!" That snake's been around too long. I think it looks even bigger than the last time dad and I went chasing after it. Then again, that was over a year ago.
Yeah, mom and dad!
Pam, It's NOT the same snake! The coloring on this one was very different. And this one was a little bit longer. So, unfortunately, the other could still be around.
Anyone who kills a snake is my hero too! Hail, hail to Bob the snake killer! (That was one stinkin' big snake! Yuck!)
In my defense. In my attempt to try and alter the physical appearance of the snake with the car, I aimed for the midpoint of the snake. With a car load of sod in a cul de sac frequented by young children, I gauged the speed of the sod enhanced weapon of destruction so as to alter the mass in the midsection of the snake while, at the same time, protecting the lives of young, innocent children. Unfortunately the speed of response of the snake was greater than the speed of acceleration of the weapon of mass destruction, thus, the need to deploy the back-up weapon, the shovel.
This raises a good question. If a sod ladened vehicle leaves the center of a cul de sac accelerating north-east at 15 feet per second squared 20 feet from a 5 foot long snake, how fast will the snake need to accelerate north west bound to avoid intersecting the apporaching vehicle?
The funny part was, after avoiding a permant Goodyear tatoo, Sue yells, "Hurry. Turn around and get it!". I got the sense that I should have smoked the tires in a 180 turn, gone up over the curb and made a good impression in both the snake and our neighbors lawn.
Dad, you're such an engineer...
Thanks for sharing Sue! Oh my gosh that snake was BIG!!! I hope I never find one like that!
I still can't figure out why your neighborhood has so many huge snakes...
...ours is laden with bunnies and frogs, but I'm not sure I've ever seen a snake longer than a foot long.
We don't have any bunnies or frogs. Can you guess why???
Bunnies and Frogs at Brents! That must be where it's hoppinen!!!
We have bunnies and squirrels on our side of College Parkway.
The squirrels are over there for the nuts!
the nest won't be empty this week! can i be a bunny?
my response is the same as Becca's. gosh...
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