The Hands of a Surgeon
I'm not sure why I'm always amazed that a certain devotional I've read on a particular morning seems to be so applicable to my life. But I just had to share this.
"He...guided them by the skillfulness of his hands." Psalm 78:72
My thoughts over the last few days have been consumed with making a decision as to which surgeon and what procedure to have for my acl reconstruction. For anyone who knows me well, they would understand that I tend to make decision-making more difficult. I look at all the options, but then vacilate. It drives Bob crazy. He's a "just make a decision and move on" kind of guy. I'm always questioning. Anyway, back to the devotional.
"When you are doubtful as to your course, submit your judgment absolutely to the Spirit of God, and ask Him to shut against you every door but the right one..."
I think He shut one door for me. Two weeks ago I went to a massage therapist that was recommended to me by my chiropractor. She knew about my injury and mentioned that she had other clients that had knee surgery by local doctors. Unfortunately these women were not happy with their results. I asked her to find out the names of the doctors so that it would help in my decision-making. She was happy to do that, and yesterday, she phoned me with the info. It turns out that all three women had the same surgeon, and he happened to be one of the two I was considering. I think I just heard a door slam.
"God guides us, often by circumstances. At one moment the way may seem utterly blocked; and then shortly afterward some trivial incident occurs, which might not seem much to others, but which to the keen eye of faith speaks volumes. Sometimes these things are repeated in various ways, in answer to prayer. They are not haphazard results of chance, but the opening up of circumstances in the direction in which we should walk." (F.B.Meyer)
The internet is great when used properly. I have been on it alot, researching about acl surgery. Now, bear with me as I get a little scientific here. There are really four ways you can repair an acl using grafts. The most common way is to use a piece of your patella (kneecap) tendon. Another way is to use the hamstring tendon. Or you can use an allograft (from a cadaver). And still another way is to use a quad tendon. The last two are not recommended, so the choices are the first two. Surgeons have their preferences. I went to see two docs, and one only did patella graft, while the other only used hamstring tendons. That didn't help me much. I called around to other orthopedic practices in Dallas, but unfortunately, I am a workers' comp patient, and very few docs take those cases. So I can't get past the receptionists. I did, however, get on one website, Texas Sports Medicine, that includes the surgeon who is the team physician for the Dallas Mavericks, Dr. Souryal. He is an expert in the field, and specializes in acl injuries. I guessed he knew something about this. And would you believe this? He actually had an email address and way to contact him directly. I didn't see that on any other website. So...I sent him an email and asked the question...patella or hamstring? I really wasn't expecting an answer seeing that he must be a very busy surgeon. But I got one from him the next day! He told me he would gladly see me and that he prefers patella grafts.
"If you go to Him to be guided, He will guide you...He will show you only into a way where, if you go cheerfully and trustfully forward, He will show you on still farther."