Friday, April 28, 2006

I've been tagged

My friend Brent "tagged" me and now I'm in this game. I'm the kid who didn't follow the rules (sound familiar?) and played the wrong way. But now I'm back in because I love playing games. So here goes:

4 jobs I've had (among several in my half-century life!):
1. dental assistant/receptionist/office manager - in high school, at a whopping $1.25 an hour. It was just me and the dentist. Sometimes I actually babysat for him also. It was a job I could walk to and I didn't have a car.
2. customer service person at Montgomery Ward - summer job in Florida. Hated it. I was expected to take back dirty underwear.
3. Special Education teacher for fifth graders - current job and I love it.
4. Best job ever...Working at the candy counter in the Rutgers Student Center! Didn't pay well in money, but great in candy!

4 movies I'd watch over and over again:
1. It's a Wonderful Life
2. White Christmas
3. Lord of the Rings - all 3
4. Star Wars - all 3 originals

4 places I've lived:
1. Astoria, Queens, NY (birthplace)
2. Old Tappan, NJ (childhood home)
3. New Brunswick, NJ (college)
4. Dallas/Richardson/Flower Mound, TX

4 places I've loved to vacation at:
1. All three places my folks have lived in Florida - West Palm Beach, San Blas, Lecanto
2. Strathmere, NJ (Bob's folks' shore house)
3. Santa Barbara
4. San Diego

4 concerts I was glad I went to (these are old!):
1. Billy Joel at the Rutgers Gym (70's)
2. Beach Boys at Princeton (also in 70's)
3. Loggins and Messina in Englewood , NJ (high school)
4. Michael W. Smith at Six Flags

4 dishes I love to eat:
1. King Crab legs (with lots of butter!)
2. My mom's meatballs and spagetti
3. My son Steve's gyro sandwiches (he makes a great pecan crusted chicken salad too!)
4. Chili cheese fries

4 sites I visit daily:
1. More than four since my family of bloggers keeps expanding! See my Blog Buddies.
2. LISD main site (just because I work there)
3. Ladyback Soccer (during soccer season in the fall)
4. And once in awhile I'll check American Airlines just hoping there might be some low fares out there. HA!

4 Places I'd rather be right now:
1. At Einsteins with Bob (it would be Saturday morning)
2. On the back porch of my parents' home in Lecanto, drinking a glass of wine and playing rumikub. (very relaxing)
3. On a road trip anywhere (scenic way!)
4. Listening to the sound of the waves and seagulls on a beach somewhere.

4 blog buddies I'm tagging:
1. Little brother Steve (you said you were diving in, well, get in!)
2. Sis-in-law Amy
3. Pammie Sue
4. Son-in-law John

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Planting a Seed

We had some "guest speakers" at bible study last night. The two Bob's (Davis and Russell) spoke to the sophomore girls before marriage, a guy's perspective. They both spoke very eloquently. They were blunt, to-the-fact, but not harsh or judgmental. They spoke from many years of being a man on this earth (Bob is a bit older than Bob.) They quoted the Bible (a great resource!) and spoke from the heart of a dad with a daughter or two. As I sat listening to these two men, I thought what a blessing they have been to their own children. I was praying that what they were saying would make a positive impact on any of the girls sitting in my family room that night. We planted the seed, but now need to nurture it along. Some plants grow faster than others, but hopefully the end result for all is growth. Spiritual growth which will lead to good choices, good decisions. That's what we're praying for.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Random thoughts for a Monday

I'm feeling a little scattered this morning. Some random thoughts going through my mind like...
...I really needed to get up this morning and go exercise before work, but the body wouldn't get out of the bed in time. Too much gardening this weekend.
...Don't eat chocolate before bedtime. It makes you have really strange dreams.
...Why is the town of Flower Mound going to build another big shopping center on 2499 where the road is only two lanes and traffic already backs up a half-mile down the road every single day.
...Is it okay to be proud of your children? Because I am so stinkin' proud of mine right now. And that includes the newest additions to the Davis family.
...Ministering to high schoolers makes me step out of my comfort zone, and that's a good thing.
...Ministering to fifth graders is rewarding but physically tiring. Did I mean trying?
...I can't wait for summer. I need some down time. Just want to read a good book.
...I'm glad my brother Steve is blogging. It helps me keep up with him and his life.
...I need to keep up with my friends more.
Happy Monday!!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Wild hair day at school

I'm looking a little like Pippi Longstocking today. Because we had TAKS testing three days in a row this week, we were supposed to come in today looking a little "wired up." I guess the idea was that all that testing took a toll on us and our hair is supposed to be wild. was interesting this morning searching for all of Becca's hair bands to tie up what little hair I have. I won't be making any trips to stores after school. I think I'm going to have a headache by the end of the day with all these bands in my hair. Anyway, the kids think it's funny and they need a laugh after three days of TAKS. (I think I need more than a laugh.) But it's Friday and there's only 4 more weeks of "real" school days. Smile!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Just had to ask...

Tonight in our sophomore girls' bible study, we posed the question "Is it okay for Christians to date non-Christians?" I took the question and discussion guidelines from a book called Controversial Discussion Starters for Youth Ministry. (True to its title!) My intent was to get the girls thinking and to let them discover God's perspective from scripture. Well, it got them talking, some more than others. Some had very definite opinions on the issue. It was a lively discussion. Not everyone agreed. Sometimes you get to end the study with everything all neatly wrapped up. And everyone goes home happy. This was not one of those nights.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Music to my ears!

Bob gave me a ipod for my birthday. He actually got one himself also. So this past Sunday, if you came to our house, you would have seen Bob at one end of the kitchen table with his laptop and me at the other end with mine, loading music. It was a funny sight. Becca gave me a gift card to iTunes. The money goes fast! As I'm previewing all the songs in the music store, I'm realizing that my nano is not big enough. (Bob offered to upgrade me, but I think I'll stick with this one for now.) I realize that my tastes in music span all different genres and many years! I was kind of reminiscing as I previewed songs from the past. It was fun, like taking a walk down memory lane. So I've realized it's going to take a while before I load up the ipod. There's just too many songs to choose from...

Monday, April 17, 2006

Waste of a Day Off

I had today off from school as it was "Easter Monday." I love having a long weekend. And it was a wonderful one at that. ButI hate wasting a day off from work and that's what happened today. I had previously made two doctor's appointments for myself. What was I thinking?? Before the first appointment, which was before noon, I spent two hours on the computer trying to figure out how to make changes to my blog's template. I could not figure out the code. It was very frustrating. So I went to the appointment without making any progress on the blog. I get to the doctor's office right on time, but didn't see the doctor until an hour later. Didn't he realize my time was precious?? Okay, then I have to rush home, grab a quick bite to eat, and run off to the next appointment. I get to that one on time also, only to have to wait one hour and 15 minutes before I finally see the doctor for all of 10 minutes if that. So now I'm thinking that I've had a whole day off from school, and I've spent a good deal of the day waiting around in a doctor's office. Granted, I know it could be alot worse. Anyway...the good thing is I finally figured out how to add changes to the template. After playing around with it for an hour this evening, it worked! But now I'm really tired and need to get some rest. This week is TAKS week for my fifth graders and I'm testing the next three days. So I'll say goodnight.

Friday, April 14, 2006

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to (not!)

My birthday was a great day. It started out with a phone message from my little brother Steve. ( I was in the shower and didn't hear the phone ring.) He's the original Steve-O. I nicknamed him Steve-o-rino when he was really little. He's eight years younger than me (or am I eight years older than him?) I'm thinking young here. Anyway, he was the first of several calls from family and friends, wishing me a great day. At school today, my students came in wishing me a happy birthday. Now I can't always get them to remember their multiplication facts, but they did remember it was my birthday. Today I'm thinking that's a more important skill in life. Next week, TAKS week, I'll think differently. My team members at school bought me lunch. Very sweet, and timely, since I didn't find out until that morning that my plans for ordering a school salad for lunch wouldn't happen. The cafeteria wasn't making salads that day. So someone ran out to Texas Hamburger Factory and bought me a hamburger. But just before lunch, Bob shows up at school with lunch from Pei Wei and a sweet tea from Chick-Fil-A. Now every Friday I have my "lunch bunch" in my portable. These are the students who have behaved "appropriately" all week, not just in my class but in their general ed classes. They had to have all their classwork completed and homework handed in on time. They really enjoy taking their cafeteria trays past their classmates and walking out to my portable. We all sit around a big table and talk. It's amazing what kids will tell me! Anyway...since school was out on Friday, we made lunch bunch on Thursday. So here are my students, myself and Bob all having lunch together. Bob got them laughing when he started making turkey gobbling sounds. He's just really good at making animal noises. It's a talent. Then in walks Pam and Becca. The kids wanted to know immediately which one was the soccer player! But they did ask about the married one. The rest of the day at school was filled with sugar highs. I had two Easter Egg hunts in my classroom. (I think I broke school rules about minimal nutritional value items. Oh well...) I gave out even more chocolate. My usual ADHD kids were really bouncing. But it was fun. See I knew I had the next four days off from school! Later that day I got a call from the office, "Birthday girl, you have a delivery." Steve and Mish had sent me a box of candy and balloons. That evening, Bob and I, Steve and Mish, Pam and John, and Becca all went to Parma's for dinner. I love that place. Great food, great service, live music, low prices. But what topped it off there, was that one of the owners came over to our table after we ate and made us all bananas foster ice cream dessert! On the house. He just wanted to do it for my birthday. We oohed and aahed as he made it, flames and all. As we got up to leave, the musicians played "Happy Birthday!" As I walked out, patrons said I looked like I was 21! (There were wine bottles at their tables.) Okay, how could I not feel great?! We all went home and sat around, talked, then began to watch "Narnia." In fitting fashion for two 50 year olds, Bob and I didn't stay up till the end of the movie. But hey, we had gotten up at 5:00 that morning and were at the YMCA by 5:30 am. So cut us some slack. It was wonderful having spent the day with my family. This morning we went to Einsteins for breakfast and coffee. One of the people there said she could tell Pam and Becca were related to Bob and me. I told her they were in town for the holiday and my birthday. She then said "Happy Birthday, I'm going to buy you your breakfast." So today started out fun too. We then went to a matinee and saw "Take the Lead." Good fun. We are calling our dance instructor next week! And now we are off to church for a Seder meal. It's been a great birthday weekend so far. Turning 50 is not that bad...really.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

half a century later...

I guess I should blog about turning 50. I know it's the "big one." But I guess some days it doesn't seem that long ago that...
... I was having birthday parties in the basement of my childhood home in Old Tappan, New Jersey (It was a finished "play room" down there. A great party room!)
... my dad made these big banners saying "Happy Birthday Susan" (He is an artist.)
... I think my mom rented a "trick dog" to entertain us at one of the parties (atleast I think it was my birthday, though it could have been one of my brothers')
...I invited boys to my parties (legally, that is my mom allowed boys at my parties) until middle school age and up. After that time, boys might have shown up at parties illegally (that is they somehow got past my dad who usually stood watch at the basement door.)
...I had my first real crush on a boy in fifth grade. (Brian McAlpine)
...I first started going "steady" with boys in sixth grade (whatever that meant).
...I wore go-go boots and fish-net stockings. It was the 60's.
...I went to "boy-girl" dances in 7th and 8th grade. (You know, the kind where guys line the one wall across the gym floor, girls on the other side. The middle of the gym floor was "no man's land"- guys couldn't dance back then.)
... I went to high school as a freshman wearing preppie clothes and came out senior year wearing "hippie" clothes. It was the 70's.
... I went to the college of my last choice (Rutgers, it was the cheapest) and the first month into my freshman year, met the man that would become my best friend and partner in life.
... I was sitting on the sofa in my friend's apartment in Dallas, in 1979, and realized my need for Jesus in my life.
... Bob and I were sitting in the living room of our home in Richardson, holding our just days old, newborn son, and thinking "how are we going to do this parenting thing????" (A quick phone call to Grandma and she was on the next flight!) Somehow we managed, and had two more beautiful children.
Life's been very good. I have been blessed with family and friends, wonderful experiences and challenging ones that have made me grow (even through the pain). At 50, I'm still a "work in progress." I look forward to the next adventures that God has in store for me.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Make a joyful noise...the nest will be full again!

I'm looking forward to this week. My daughters (and son-in-law!) are coming home. We haven't seen Pam, John and Becca in months. They are going to be here for Easter festivities, of which there seem to be alot more this year. In the past, Crossroads Bible Church just had the usual Easter services on Sunday. This year they are starting things up on Thursday, with an event planned for the next days through Sunday. There will be a church picnic on Saturday, along with an Easter Egg Hunt. But the fun will be at the Dunking Booth, where our youth pastor and his wonderful assistants (includes Steve!) will be fortunate enough to sit and be soaked. Hope it's a warm day. On Sunday, there will be a sunrise service at 6:30. I think we may take our chairs and blankets and do something different this year. I'm trying to entice Michelle to go by offering to cook a big breakfast after the service. I haven't done an Easter egg hunt in years. We used to have one at our house every Easter when the kids were younger. We'd invite all the neighborhood kids. Everyone would have ten eggs with their own names on the eggs. The rule was that if you found someone else's egg, you'd need to leave it where you found it, and not tell them where it was. You had to find all ten of your own eggs. Easier said than done. There were years when I'd be out gardening, and I'd come across a lone Easter egg. Never been found that day. One year I was really lucky. It had $1 in it. I think it was Abby Berek's. Actually Gene Berek (the dad) asked Bob at church this Sunday whether we were going to have another egg hunt at our house. He kind of put an idea in my head. I'm thinking you're really never too old for an Easter egg hunt. So I'm looking forward to this week. Lots to do, but the best part is having my family together again. The nest won't be quiet. Can't wait!

Friday, April 07, 2006

The Gospel of Judas...

So what do you all think about this Gospel of Judas?? I haven't read up on the story completely, but apparently Nightline did a show on it last night. And it was on the Dallas Morning News front page this morning. What kind of an impact do you think it will have? Do you think it is a coincidence that the story comes out right before Easter??? Hmm...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The nest has been too quiet

It's been a week and a half since I saw Bob. He's been in Japan. This is the longest he's been away since we've been married, 27 years ago. I know some of you may say that's nothing to blog about. I know plenty of women that can't wait for their husbands to take a trip. But I'm not one of them. I hate the traveling, but sad to say, I've gotten used to it. But a week and a half is a long time to me. The house is quiet. Molly doesn't even bark back at me. All she wants is her treats. Then she goes back in her bed. She's not very good company. Steve and Mish have been great. They know I miss Bob. So they are coming over tonight to play dominoes. He's on a flight right now back to the states. He left Tokyo on Wednesday afternoon and arrives in Dallas on Wednesday morning. It'll be hard living the day over again. I'm hoping he'll blog (finally!) about his experiences in Japan. Sounded very interesting...

Sunday, April 02, 2006

A servant and a snake

I have been blessed with a great daughter-in-law. Let me tell you what Michelle did for me today. She wanted to help me as I worked in the yard today. So she offered to help me weed a bed of English ivy. She said working in the garden relaxes her. I agreed. As she went to pull her first weed, I hear her scream (just a little) and jump back. There was a snake in the ivy. Probably a garden snake. But a snake nonetheless. I thought that was it for the weeding. But no, she got right back down among the ivy and started weeding again. She just thought the snake crawled into a hole somewhere. After weeding, she cleaned the pool. Skimmed it, brushed it. Bob would be proud. While we were eating lunch, my mom called from Florida. When I picked up the phone, Michelle asked if she could answer it and talk to my mom. She actually wanted to say hello and chat with my mother. Can you see why my parents just love her? Anyway, I just had to blog about her today because she blesses me with the loving way she wants to serve others. I am very thankful the Lord brought her into Steve's life and ours.